




More Tecior
Website designed bya
Updated January 2023
At Tecior, we put privacy first. We refuse to collect any data that is not absolutely essential.
This page details what data we use, how we use it, and provides full disclosure to you.

The terms of this policy apply to every aspect of this website and our services that link to this privacy policy.
These terms do not apply to services that link to a different privacy policy, nor do they apply to third-party services we use.

Devices = Computer, PC, Mac, tablet, smartphone, internet browser or other system capable of accessing the internet


We view the IP addresses of our visitors (collected by our third party hosting provider)
in order to provide, deliver, safeguard and improve Tecior via analysis and research.

Other non-personal data such as browser type, viewing hours, duration of visits, operating systems and browser type are also viewed by Tecior.

We do not use cookies in any capacity, nor do we ever plan to.
Tecior Ltd does not personally collect, store or sell any of your data, personally identifiable or otherwise.

Third-party information we utilise of is as follows:

Information from social media networks
Information from partners we cooperate with, for example, from those who request commissions
Information from the public domain
Information from third-party analytical services
Information from attribution-only vector websites

The companies we work with are required to keep all data safe and confidential.

We reserve the right to disclose any and all personal data in the event that it is required by law
(for the interest of national security, law enforcement or other).

We reserve the right to disclose any and all personal data viewed by Tecior in order to respond to claims,
to protect the rights of our company, of our customers, our clients, the public or anyone else.

The third party services we use are required by law to comply with law enforcement/national security,
to respond to claims, enforce agreements and resolve disputes.

All data is held on third party servers not owned by Tecior.